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Kiddie Carnival

One thing you will learn about me is I LOVE adventures and memories. If you’ve ever heard of the love languages before -- I'm a quality time type of person. Being around people makes my heart happy and makes me feel valued and worthy.  -- that could be a whole blog post in itself -- back to this post.

Another thing you will notice is that I'm all about budgeting. SOOOO adventures for cheap or free, with people I love?!? YES, please. This makes my heart explode.

A few weeks ago, Kennys grandmas assisted living home hosted a carnival! I’ll be honest I almost didnt go. But it was grocery day and I asked the boys. Needless to say, they were heard over heeeeeeelss excited to go hang out with Gramz.
he carnival was small and cute. The staff was amazing and so much fun! They gave away all the prizes. My kids, of course are competitive so they kept trying harder and harder to get all the goodies.

On top of that, they made homemade lemon shake ups, funnel cakes & corn dogs. It was 100% free and seeing the smiles on the boys and Gramz face made it worth it.

I guess my point is never underestimate the time spent with people you love. Look for things happening in your community at places you never would have guessed. Call up Grandma & let her know you want to spend time with her! 


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