If you've been following my weekly marriage posts, then you've seen my top tips.
Truthfully it doesn't get more basic than that.
A good marriage doesn't happen by chance. It happens because TWO people are willing to fight for each other. Everyday they choose each other.
&& everyday your marriage can get better.
I look back on the day I married my husband and never thought I could love him more, but here I am today with a heart so full. Each day that loves grows. Some days I want to punch him in the throat. Some days I cry. Some days we struggle. But through it all, we walk together for each other.
We've been through good, bad and ugly. We've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements (and i'm sure we have plenty more to come). At the end of the day I remember its him and I & I make a decision to choose us.
If you want to work on growing your relationship it starts with YOU! When you can fully love yourself, the love you have to give to others is much bigger. Those walls you're putting up will start to break down and allow a spot for your spouse beside you.
Remember, we are all different people and its all about finding the balance between your personalities. Make room for two equal people in the marriage.
BOTH of your feelings matter.
BOTH of your needs matter.
BOTH of your happiness matters.
You are not responsible for your spouses happiness, they are. Just like they are not responsible for yours, YOU ARE.
I spent too long trying to find love from other people. It made me feel inadequate and under appreciated. It wasn't until I could look at myself in the mirror and know my worth that I was able to give my love freely to others. Hence, allowing me to be a better wife to my husband, a better momma to my kids.
If you need a reminder...
1. Learn their love language & love them the way they need loved.
2. Date nights required! Stop with the excuses and make this shit happen.
3. Love without expectations. Love them because you love them and no other reason.
4. Communication is key. Always say how you feel, share your thoughts, ask for help. They are not mind readers and if you want to get on the same level they have to know whats going on in your heart & mind.
Everyday, kiss often, flirt, tell him he looks amazing. Say thank you. Compliment them. Remind them they are worthy.
Although my tips are basic and straight forward I love this and want to continue sharing. So stay tuned every Thursday for date night ideas, real talk & just me sharing my heart! Hit subscibe so YOU get a notification anytime I have a new blog up.
If you have questions or ever want me to write on a specific marriage topic please, comment below or send me an email eiphoto3@gmail.com
Chat soon
xoxo D
Truthfully it doesn't get more basic than that.
A good marriage doesn't happen by chance. It happens because TWO people are willing to fight for each other. Everyday they choose each other.
&& everyday your marriage can get better.
I look back on the day I married my husband and never thought I could love him more, but here I am today with a heart so full. Each day that loves grows. Some days I want to punch him in the throat. Some days I cry. Some days we struggle. But through it all, we walk together for each other.
We've been through good, bad and ugly. We've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements (and i'm sure we have plenty more to come). At the end of the day I remember its him and I & I make a decision to choose us.
If you want to work on growing your relationship it starts with YOU! When you can fully love yourself, the love you have to give to others is much bigger. Those walls you're putting up will start to break down and allow a spot for your spouse beside you.
Remember, we are all different people and its all about finding the balance between your personalities. Make room for two equal people in the marriage.
BOTH of your feelings matter.
BOTH of your needs matter.
BOTH of your happiness matters.
You are not responsible for your spouses happiness, they are. Just like they are not responsible for yours, YOU ARE.
I spent too long trying to find love from other people. It made me feel inadequate and under appreciated. It wasn't until I could look at myself in the mirror and know my worth that I was able to give my love freely to others. Hence, allowing me to be a better wife to my husband, a better momma to my kids.
If you need a reminder...
1. Learn their love language & love them the way they need loved.
2. Date nights required! Stop with the excuses and make this shit happen.
3. Love without expectations. Love them because you love them and no other reason.
4. Communication is key. Always say how you feel, share your thoughts, ask for help. They are not mind readers and if you want to get on the same level they have to know whats going on in your heart & mind.
Everyday, kiss often, flirt, tell him he looks amazing. Say thank you. Compliment them. Remind them they are worthy.
Although my tips are basic and straight forward I love this and want to continue sharing. So stay tuned every Thursday for date night ideas, real talk & just me sharing my heart! Hit subscibe so YOU get a notification anytime I have a new blog up.
If you have questions or ever want me to write on a specific marriage topic please, comment below or send me an email eiphoto3@gmail.com
Chat soon
xoxo D
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