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Showing posts from November, 2019

Marriage: Tip 2

Date nights are a must. No questions asked. But for real, sometimes they feel impossible. I don't know about you but Kenny and I we literally jumped into life together && it's never slowed down. We got together, engaged, bought a house, got married & had 3 babies back to back to back. Yes, for those of you asking... They were planned that way & I indeed do know what makes them . But regardless its pure total, utter chaos. You have no idea how to parent or add people to a home. You literally just learn to manage. People ask me all the time how do you do it? I can honestly say its 100% survival mode, and too often couple push away from each other instead of join forces. We forget that we were once just us and in 18 short years, it will be just us again. We love these babies & they need us and we didn't set boundaries before they got here because how the hell are you supposed to know what to expect? And if we are being honest no two kids are the same

$10 Tuesday | Chicken Kabobs

Another cheap meal for you my friend.  I will be totally honest, my meals are never sexy so this is one of my more wild recipes.  I know, I know, no potatoes. BUUUT hear me out you potato eating men, this is still good.  Chicken Kabobs. OHHH yeah!  Chicken -- $10 Peppers -- $1.99 Onions -- $1.39 Mushrooms -- $1.89 Rice -- $1.79 Carrots -- .88 Garlic -- $5.26 (8 oz container) _________________________ Total Spent: $23.20 Now let's break it down!  Chicken -- $10/ 2 = $5 Peppers -- $1.99/ 3 = .66 Onions -- $1.39/ 7 = .20 Mushrooms -- $1.89/ 3 = .63 Rice -- $1.79/ 5 = .36 Carrots -- .88/ 4 = .22 Garlic -- $5.26 (this is a LOT)/ 20? = .26 -- you could probably get way more uses out of it than this __________________________ Total for one meal = $7.33 UMMM yessss, under $10 &&& celebrate! Its a good mix up for special meals, maybe date night!? If you're loving these $10 meals, please hit subscribe, drop a comment, share with a friend! All the l

Marriage: Tip 1

Know your love language. Friends, this is key. Knowing your personality and love language is such a powerful tool. When you merge two people together in a relationship, its more than just you. This is ANY relationship, not just with your spouse. This is you and your momma, your best friend, the girl you sit next to at work. No two people think, act, respond, internalize things the same. When you realize that no one else understands or thinks like you its kind of liberating. We get caught in our own minds often. We tell ourselves certain things that we believe to be true, but turns out they aren't always. How do you figure out what is true and what isn't? It starts by understanding who you are. Remember how I said last week, if you want to change your spouse it starts with you? THIS is the first step! For me, I needed to figure out my personality type to figure out who I am. What makes me tick? I'll share the image I love and use here! Its the Dani Johnsons gemstone p

$10 Tuesday | Breakfast edition

You know my goal is $10 or less, What if I told you breakfast for under $2?!? YUPPPPPP! Friends, get on my level.  That's cheaper than stopping at the gas station, running through fast food and 100x healthier! Let me share with you one of my favorite breakfast meals! Overnight Oats & Eggs Super simple, super easy, budget win. x Now let's break it down. Oatmeal -- $2.29 Blueberries -- $2.29 Almond Milk -- $1.99 Eggs -- .88 Mushrooms -- 1.89 ________________________ Total spent = $6.57 But wait, that's before breaking it down by the number of days you can use it for. This is over a weeks worth of breakfast y'all. One tub of oatmeal can last me 2+ weeks! Eggs, you have plenty for 6 days, etc. So let me show you my best guess. Oatmeal -- $2.29 / 14 = .16 Blueberries -- $2.29 / 4 = .57 Almond Milk -- $1.99 / 7 = .28 Eggs -- .88 / 6 = .15 Mushrooms -- 1.89 / 5 = .38 __________________________ Total for one meal = $1.54 Mind.Blow

Improving your Marriage

So many have been asking and encouraging me to share about marriage. Which honestly is so interesting to me because often Kenny and I fail. We struggle. We are human and humans make mistakes. In life each of us are just doing the best we can. We don't have a users manual or a how to guide. We just show up and react to what life brings us. That's both good and bad. Because our actions are often defense mechanisms. We only know what we are taught OR what we are willing to go out of our way to learn or unlearn. I want to encourage you to LEARN about marriage, about your spouse, about you. You can look at the next couple on social media. How perfect they look. Their life, their love, their family & be envious. Compare yourself and your marriage. Pick apart your spouse because they don't do what her husband does. Let me just tell you, your marriage is yours alone. You have nothing to prove to the next person on facebook or instagram. When you're showing up for t

$10 Tuesday | BBQ Chicken

Y'all know me. I'm all about budget friendly, simple & delicious foods. I like to keep it basic because I don't like to waste time && I definitely don't like the clean up. So I want to really focus on bringing that to you! I get all the time people who say they cant eat healthy because..... they can't afford it. I think this is karma because I used to use this excuse NONstop as I drove through fast food and went out to eat constantly. Anyways, I'm gonna start something called $10 Dollar Tuesdays where I share a meal with you that I made that costs me less than $10! You in?!? Our first $10 meal >> BBQ Chicken! One thing youll learn with me is that I love the grill (again back to the clean up aspect). For cheap and simple, I keep it basic. A meat, a potato & a veggie. Green beans wouldn't be my top veggie pick, but they are cheaper for us since we can them &&& my family actually likes them-- dinner wit

Make today your day 1

Mondays, A fresh start, new week, the inevitable day 1.  Today is day 1 for my new boot camp. && It always excites me to kick off a new boot camp because of the energy and hope my challengers show up with. They commit to joining with their heart set on crushing their goals. They are excited, full of energy, not sure what to expect but ready to try their hardest. They want to be healthier, happier and more confident. The BEST part about my job is giving others the opportunity to do something for themselves. I love seeing them PROUD. Sharing their sweaty selfies, saving no to junk food. Smiling because for the first time in forever they did something for them.  You see, these small acts. They are HUGE acts of courage. Facing your life and deciding you want to change, that is hard. It means you have to overcome old habits and create new ones.  Often our biggest struggle isn't that we aren't capable. Its that we don't believe in ourselves yet.  To get to

Evaluating your Marriage.

For better or worse, Marriage, it's a journey. I know when I got married I set expectations for my life. I'm a person who loves to be in control of the outcome. I like to know whats gonna happen. I make a plan and I follow it. I'm a realist, a logical thinker &&& one hell of a dreamer.  I pictured this life full of happiness, love, white picket fence type picture. I expected date nights and spending weekends on adventures. Creating our own little family, on our time, sweet babies & Pinterest worthy house. I was going to teach my kids all the things, do all the crafts. You get it. I thought it would all be perfect. Then life happens. You go through the honeymoon phase but at some point work, busy, bills take priority.  Then you have kids. && they need all your attention. Holding them, snuggling them, getting up 500 times every night. OHHH and the extra bills from having kids. More mouths to feed, meaning working more to cover the costs.

100 days for me.

100 days. It seems so long, but goes by so quick when you're living it. 100 days ago I made a commitment to a 100 day program. Not just for the results, but for me. I committed to showing up every single day doing the best I could. To give to my health & happiness. My goal through the 100 days was just that; to be happy, find my happy & take care of me. You see, so many times people start a fitness journey because they want to lose weight. They focus on the scale, their jean size, the pain points they feel when they look in the mirror. They say yes because they want results, but give up before they get there. But progress takes time. Results take hard work. It means showing up day in and day out. It means being patient. Motivation wont keep you going. When life gets hard; you're tired, kids need you, your routine gets thrown off the first person you give up on is you. You have to find a big enough reason to keep going, so on those hard days you're will