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Showing posts from August, 2019

No Bake Super Cookie

Anyone else struggle with after school snacks? My kids, they LOVE junk. They walk in the door begging for candy, chips, cookies. All the things they don't need. I've made it a mission of mine to provide them healthy options when they get home. Today we are mixing up an old favorite &&& we even put a spin on it! No Bake Cookies, make with my supershake (Shakeology). We did vanilla & chocolate because my oldest is just like me; NOT a chocolate eater. So he has peanut butter flavor. These boys are gonna go nutsssss for these. I LOVE this option because its sweet, so to them its a treat. But it has the vitamins and nutrients from my supershake to help fuel their body (it acts like 7 salads) so #momwin I don't feel guilty packing this in their lunch, letting them grab a couple as they run and play. No Bake Super Cookie Ingredients: 2 scoops chocolate Shakeology OR vanilla Shakeology 1 cup oats 1 cup Peanut Butter 1/2 cup honey 1/2 cup coconut o

Back to School Vibes

Being a mom is weird. This past week my kids jumped back into the school routine. I don't know if you're like me, but routine changes are hard for me. I love being in control. I love plans and being early vs being late. I like having my shit together. Routine changes, they remind me... I NEVER have my shit together. This year, we have two boys riding the big bus to school each day which makes my morning routine much easier because I don't have to leave the house! But honestly, this year was harder for me, emotionally. We've had a good summer. We've enjoyed time at home, went on adventures, they laughed and played & got along SO GOOD all summer (which makes it easier for momma to work.) This summer we genuinely got more time together. If you know me and my story, quality time is all I ever want. It was my goal with my business to create freedom for my family. So being able to have the flexibility and freedom to do what we wanted when we wanted; that was LIFE. I

Hiking | Lake Charleston

Do you ever just want to like escape. Just you, your thoughts and some peace and quite? As a momma even when I get a break, its NOT a break. I normally have a laundry list of to-do things from my husband, kids and of course the house. A mom's job is NEVER done and yall that shit is exhausting. I learned, you just gotta set some boundaries by taking time for you. WHOAH. Its so unthinkable I know. I was totally that mom too. I can't stop. Stopping, my family can't function without me. This is my list; who else is going to do it?!?!? But this crazy thing happens. When you step back, slow down and just recenter you feel SO MUCH BETTER. So now I try to take time for me weekly. Whether its laying in my hammock during naptime, hanging out with friends or staying up late eating ice cream & junk tv; I know I need it for me.  When Kristin messaged me saying she was going to be home I instantly knew what I wanted to do. Shes so me, she loves getting outside, hiking, exploring, jus

Kiddie Carnival

O ne thing you will learn about me is I LOVE adventures and memories. If you’ve ever heard of the love languages before -- I'm a quality time type of person. Being around people makes my heart happy and makes me feel valued and worthy.  -- that could be a whole blog post in itself -- back to this post. Another thing you will notice is that I'm all about budgeting. SOOOO adventures for cheap or free, with people I love?!? YES, please. This makes my heart explode. A few weeks ago, Kennys grandmas assisted living home hosted a carnival! I’ll be honest I almost didnt go. But it was grocery day and I asked the boys. Needless to say, they were heard over heeeeeeelss excited to go hang out with Gramz. T he carnival was small and cute. The staff was amazing and so much fun! They gave away all the prizes. My kids, of course are competitive so they kept trying harder and harder to get all the goodies. On top of that, they made homemade lemon shake ups, funnel cakes & corn dogs. I

Salsa Chicken Peppers | Meal Prep Recipe

If you follow we on social media, then you know health and fitness is my game. && because of that I focus on healthy eating. BUT I also am a lazy cook, not because I don't love cooking but because I HATE the clean up. And let's be real, life with kids. I spend my time making three meals a day for them not to eat. That is why, when I'm cooking I go for quick, simple and budget friendly. Last week I shared my stuffed chicken peppers & had so many people ask about them that I wanted to share them with you. It's a simple, healthy and delicious recipe you can prep ahead for success. Please subscribe, share, save & tag a friend! Remember sharing in caring! You spreading the voice of my blog means the world to me. Salsa Chicken Peppers 2 to 4 chicken breast 1 to 2 cups of salsa Put in a crock pot and cook on high until tender (roughly 4 hours) In the meantime, cut the peppers in half. Pull out the seeds, boil in water for 5 -10 minutes or until you l

Turkey Run Start Park

This weekend we decided to get away for the day. Our family needed an unplugged day outside with each other. Honestly we have only hiked together a few times because, well kids. Its hard with 3 littles all so close in age. When one wants carried, they ALL want carried. With summer coming to an end I'm making it a goal to get outdoors before it's too cold. Anyways, we decided to go for it. It was a drive for us, but came prepared. We packed extra outfits for the boys along with food for lunch. If you're like me, you're all for saving money so here is what we had! We  prepped a cooler with fruit, tortillas, lunch meat -- specifically chicken and pepperonis-- cheese, crackers, carrots, raisins; just things that are simple, easy & we can take on the go. PLUS lots and lots of water. In the map we weren't sure where to plug in our GPS so we stopped by the camp store before we  went too far and the cashier was sooo helpful. The shop was awesome. In front o

Twiced Baked Potatoes

"My husband is a meat and potato guy." ^^^this is one of the most common objections I get when it comes to women starting their health and fitness journey. I get it, my husband is too! But just because your husband loves meat & potatoes, doesn't mean you can't start YOUR journey. I know, I know. You don't want to make multiple meals. THAT IS ME. I refuse. You're not going to see me catering to everyone's pickiness. I make one meal and they get to choose if they eat it or not. So maybe you got a meat and potato man. Let me share with you one of my favorite potato recipes. Simple, delicious and family friendly. Twice baked potatoes Ingredients 4 potatoes 6 slices of bacon 1-2 Tablespoons sour cream (can substitute Greek yogurt instead) Himalayan pink salt ground pepper onion powder 3/4 cup shredded cheese Instructions Rinse off your potatoes and stabbed multiple times with a fork. rap eat potato individually in plastic wrap in microwave for 3 minutes.

Breathless Riviera Cancun

T his past weekend, my husband and I were able to get away with a few friends to enjoy some sunshine in Mexico. Let me just say it was a much needed relaxing getaway.  Marriage is hard. Add kids into the mix, its pure chaos. We decided to get married and have kids STAT. We knew that's what we wanted and thankfully God liked our plan. But with that came struggle. We barely knew how to live with each other and love each other let alone balance other human beings. We made it a goal to go on one vacation each year, just us -- A getaway so we can reconnect and get time just us. This year we went big! My 30th, his birthday, our anniversary we had lots to celebrate so we went back to one of our FAVORITE locations: Breathless Riviera Cancun. If you’ve never been to Mexico, put this place on your list. I will warn you however, you get spoiled.  Let me share with you my favorite things about this resort!  This resort is newer (roughly 5 years). It is an all inclusive, adult only r