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Showing posts from December, 2019

The Perfect Quiet Getaway

Do you ever feel like you're going a million miles a minute? The busy of life overwhelms you. You just dream of a vacation, quiet, getting away. Then I have the perfect place for you >> Woodland Cabins in southern Illinois. Located just outside of Carbondale Illinois, its nestled perfectly on a quiet plot of land so you are close enough for convenience but secluded in your own little piece of heaven. This was our first visit and our entire goal was to RELAX. Literally do nothing for two days other than enjoy each others company. We arrived Friday and the FIRST thing we did was open the door to awe. Our cabin was WoodSong & it was quaint, adorable and so homey. They even had an adorable Christmas tree set up for the season. The second thing we did was jump in the hot tub! It was located just outside our bedroom door so the perfect way to relax on a cold winter night. We surprised some friend who were also staying on the property. The fireplace was lit and it w

Growing a Healthy Marriage

If you've been following my weekly marriage posts, then you've seen my top tips. Truthfully it doesn't get more basic than that. A good marriage doesn't happen by chance. It happens because TWO people are willing to fight for each other. Everyday they choose each other. && everyday your marriage can get better. I look back on the day I married my husband and never thought I could love him more, but here I am today with a heart so full. Each day that loves grows. Some days I want to punch him in the throat. Some days I cry. Some days we struggle. But through it all, we walk together for each other. We've been through good, bad and ugly. We've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements (and i'm sure we have plenty more to come). At the end of the day I remember its him and I & I make a decision to choose us. If you want to work on growing your relationship it starts with YOU! When you can fully love yourself, the love you have to give

Shakeo Mug Cake

OMGGGGGG ya'll. My newest obsession. Chocolate peanut butter mug cake. Hell yes. I don't know about you, but I kinda have a sweet tooth. it doesn't matter how healthy I am my body genuinely craves sugar. However, I know loading up on junk food won't bless me or my body. So I am always on the look out for healthier sweet options. I normally have a daily Supershake. Its a product my company creates and it helps me fight that sweet craving, while getting my daily source of vitamins and nutrients. For those anti veggie eaters, like I used to be - this is the perfect way to help supplement, since it acts like 7 salads but takes like a milkshake. HOWEVER. I despiseeeeee cold weather. I dislike being cold. It makes me grumpy. As the snow rolls into central Illinois I'm finding I don't want a milkshake, so I've been trying new ways to enjoy my supershake. Let me share with you, my mug cake recipe! Ingredients 1 scoop chocolate Shakeology 1 egg 3 tablespoons w

Marriage: Tip 4

Always say how you feel or what you want. This topic compounds on some of the others I've already covered but I think it's so important it needs it own blog post, so let's dig in! How many times do you want your spouse to do something a certain way? Say a certain thing? Apologize for hurting your feelings? Take you somewhere special? BUTTT we don't say it or ask for it well, because sometimes it would just be nice to be surprised. ORRR they should already know how you feel. When you get in the argument and 3 days later you're still upset and he acts like he doesn't know why.... **eye roll** he SHOULD know what he did. The problem is, he doesn't. Your spouse isn't a mind reader. I know, its logical. I know you know that, but how many times do you catch yourself expecting them to respond perfectly. The issue goes back again to we are two different people brought together and just because you think, act and respond one way doesn't mean they d

$10 Tuesday | Beer Butt Chicken

Weird, right?!? It sounds so gross but y'all it tastes so good. This is one of my summer favorites but now Ill grill it or bake it to help me prep food for the week. It makes the chicken so juicy and not dry one bit! Ingredients: Whole Small Chicken: varies $5 to $7 A can of Bush Light: .63 cents 2 Tablespoons real butter: .05 Mrs. Dash Seasoning: $ 2.62 (optional) Total: 7.68 (or 10.30 with the Mrs Dash) Directions Before preparing the chicken, open the package then take the bag out of the chicken. (That little package has the gizzards, neck and liver? in it. I don't eat those things so I just throw them out). With an empty chicken, grab a can of beer. My dad says the rule is to take a big drink, but I'm not a beer fan so instead of drinking it, I pour a little bit into a bowl and set aside. Your beer should still be 3/4 of the way full. If you are baking the chicken, then you adjust your racks in our oven to fit the chicken if its standing. You put the beer in the

Marriage: Tip 3

Love without expectations. This one is a hard one. It takes lots of practice and refocus. In life, everyday we live filled with expectations. Expectations of how our days will go, what blessings we will receive, how our kids will behave. Expectations for birthdays, events, promotions. But let's be honest, how many days actually go according to our "plan"? Mine? Almost none. Its the same for our marriage. When we get married, start a relationship, have a crush. We set certain expectations for how we want them to treat us. What we expect them to do. Open the door, send cute notes, buy you presents.  You know, the ideal picture of what our love will look like. & a lot of the time its like one of those cheesy love stories >> anyone else thinking of The Notebook??? We want the beautiful wedding, amazing honeymoon. The laughs and love. The cute children who are so behaved. The white picket fence. Then we actually get in the season and realize its freaking ha

$10 Tuesday | Mexican Pinwheels

Its holiday season and that means all the treats! Sometimes potluck style foods can add up quick so I want to share with you one of my simple, easy and affordable snack food that you can take to your next party. Mexican Style Pinwheels. I honestly don't remember where I first saw these, but over time I've added my own spin, flare and adjustments. Ingredients: Flour tortillas : .89 cents x 2 = 1.78 Canned Chicken: .98 x3 = 2.94 Taco Seasoning: .23 cents Cream Cheese: 1.89 Shredded Cheese: $1.99 Optional: Hot Sauce: .89 cents Rotel tomato & green chilies: .98 cents Total cost: $9.72 Directions Mix all ingredients in a big bowl! I prefer the hot sauce over Rotel just because its smoother and doesn't make the tortillas soggy. If you do use the tomato and green chilies, be sure and drain the juice as much as possible! I also love to use my mixer to stir it all together it makes the chicken super fine and the cream cheese blend in smoothly. Add the hot sauce