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Showing posts from September, 2019

Healthy Apple Crisp

It's fall, & I know most women are all about the pumpkin spice but for; gimme all the apple recipes. Are you a pumpkin or apple fan?! I wanna bring ya one of my favorite go to sweet snacks.  So filling and SO good. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Healthy apple crisp 1 Apple cut up 1/4 c oats cinnamon stevia (I used pure maple syrup) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Put ingredients in a glass bowl. Add water and microwave 1.5 minutes. Top with drizzled peanut butter and enjoy!

Peanut Butter Nice Cream

Brown bananas, what the heck do you even do with them?!? Today Flash & I whipped up a new recipe and the boys will LOVE it when they get home. We turned them into Nice Cream my boys are incredibly picky when it comes to bananas. As soon as they get one brown spot, they refused to touch them. So some weeks that means we have a lot of bananas getting thrown out. but my kids are obsessed with sweets, ice cream and peanut butter so I thought this would be the perfect combination. Peanut Butter Banana Nice Cream Ingredients 3 ripe bananas 1/2 cup almond milk 1 tablespoon peanut butter Optional toppings of your choice Directions Slice the bananas and place them in the freezer until they are frozen. When they are put them in a food processor or large blender with the almond milk and peanut butter. If your bananas are frozen enough, you can eat right then and there as soft serve. You like your ice cream a little thicker pop in the freezer for a couple hours or more to your likin

Tennesse Weekend Getaway | Review

If you know me, you know I LOVE travel and adventures. I love exploring new places and experiencing it with people I love. Quality time, its my love language! This weekend filled ALL the cups! It was our annual Diamond Retreat. This is something my best friend and I host for our team of badass women. They could earn it by growing their business, facing their fears and helping others. I mean, who has a job that when you show up to be your best self you get treated to a better business, vacations, travel and friends?!? MEEEE and its why I love it! Last year we hit up Florida and this year we knew we wanted to have a more quiet, secluded trip where we could just have our space to hustle, grow and relax. So Tennessee it was. Ill admit, Kyra and I spent MONTHS looking for the perfect place. We hit up Airbnb & VRBO to try and find a place that fit our wants. Big enough to house everyone, cute enough to throw a party & perfect for what we envisioned. We've had a few Airbnb fl

A note to that girl; judging my body

This weekend I went on a MUCH needed getaway with some friends. Kenny & I have been so busy lately we haven't got to connect with each other. I was excited to really relax and spend time unplugged. The friends I went with? They are all into health & fitness too. They do the programs I do, they coach and help others like I do. So for once I wasn't afraid to be in my bikini. I knew they would accept me as me. No judgement. You see, for me being in a bikini around other women; that's a trigger for me. Because of someone else's actions/words a long time ago I get so fearful and self conscious in those situations -- that's a story for another day though. This time, I was  NOT nervous or really even focused on my looks. Its taken me a long time to accept and love my body as it is. I work hard on the daily for my health and happiness & I learned a long time ago how shaming my body hurts me. What's crazy is how all that confidence can drop in a minut

Honey Garlic Pork Chops

So many times women tell me they can't eat healthy because their husbands are meat and potato men. I meannnnn, me too?!? I LOVE sharing my meat and potato recipes and remind you this IS possible. Don't overthink it! When picking out dinner meals I literally look through our freezers to figure out what meat we have, then I plan a potato and veggie side with it. Today I'm smoking some chops on the grill and my mouth is watering. Pairing it with some homemade fries & sautéed frozen veggies. Quick, simple, cheap & delicious! Please, try them out, share them with your friends & let me know what you think! Honey Garlic Pork Chops Ingredients: Pork Chops 1 Tablespoon honey 1 Tablespoon garlic 1 tsp onion powder 2 Tablespoons soy sauce Directions: Prep grill to prepare meat. Lay the chops on a cookie sheet or cake pan. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl well. Cover the meat in marinate and soak for 1-3 hours. (or if your like me just a few minutes while you