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Showing posts from January, 2020

S'more fun

I've missed date nights! With total chaos erupting in the weaver home >> Holidays, surgery, recovery, sickness it honestly has not even been a possibility and dang is it noticeable in how we love each other. When my husband and I aren't getting that time to connect, talk, just be intentional with our relationship it makes room for doubt, frustration and distance. We have both been feeling it. Even being together practically 24/7 it hasn't been focused. We knew it was time to bring back date nights as a weekly thing! && both of us were pumped up. Last year we bought this cool little book to help with date night ideas.Its called the adventure challenge. It was $40 but its FILLED with surprise dates. YUP A SURPRISE! How it works is you read the icons to see what you need/how to prepare & the name of the date and pick. When you scratch it, you're committing to it -- no matter what. Scratch it off and complete the date. So we picked one & scratched it

Through Sickness & Health

Ya'll it's been interesting over here. I know its been a few weeks since I've blogged & I'm just gonna keep it real, its because my focus right now is keeping my head above water! Being a mom is hard, being a wife is hard, being a business owner is hard, loving yourself is hard, staying healthy is hard, shit LIFE is hard. But its what you do with the hard thrown at you that actually counts. With holidays, kids home from break & ending the year on new years eve with Kenny having surgery, we ended 2019 straight wildddddd. So 2020 we brought in with a whole new learning curve. If you know me, or follow me regularly. You know I thriiiiivvvveee on routine. So i'm like a new little baby trying to walk through this chaos without falling down. *spoiler alert, i'm clumsy AF* I will be back to a regular schedule, at some point, but I know that point isn't today so I'm just controlling the controllable. That's the secret though. To a good life, to